THE ART OF AGING – Part II: Old Women Wear Pigtails!

Sculptor Unknown

I love wearing pigtails. Some trend experts say mature women shouldn’t wear them, while others say we can and should.

One old aunt thinks that mature women wearing pigtails are trying to look younger. An even older aunt who’s approaching ninety, thinks pigtails are cool, that we’ve earned the right to wear them as we wish. So, what’s the big deal about mature women wearing or not wearing pigtails?

Before jumping in, let’s clarify. By old, I mean… let me put it this way—when I was taking piano lessons at age 8, I remember thinking my teacher was old. She might have been all of 40. I believe age is a perspective, differing from one point of view to another.

Therefore, for the sake of this discussion, we’ll go with Merriam Webster who says that old means advanced in years or age and showing the characteristics of age, which, according to Mayo Clinic, includes wrinkles and grey hair. ‘Nuf said.

Pigtails are associated with…

… childhood, schoolgirls, whimsical, frivolity… Are we older women not supposed to feel those things, or at least look like we feel them???

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